Sign the petition to protect Kw’tsán National Monument today!

PICTURED HERE: Gold mining operations at Oro Cruz in the Cargo Muchacho Mountains. This picture depicts the destruction that is happening and could grow unchecked without permanent protection of the Kw’tsán cultural landscape.

Petition Text:

“I support the effort by the Fort Yuma Quechan Indian Tribe to designate the Kw’tsán National Monument, and stand behind them in calling on President Biden to use his authority under the Antiquities Act to designate Kw’tsán National Monument in the California Desert in order to:

  • Honor the traditional homelands and protect the sacred sites, places and landscapes of the Quechan People;

  • Protect biodiversity, wildlife habitat, and critical wildlife corridors;

  • Preserve important historic sites important to American culture.

These lands are the traditional homelands of the Quechan People; designation and management of these lands should follow the guidance and honor the legacy of the people who have stewarded these lands since time immemorial.